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France Polymers Suppliers List

  • Extrasynthese      [France]

    As a manufacturer of natural products and fine chemistry products, we deve璴op two main activities : sale by catalogue of small quantities of products mainly aimed at the phar璵aceu...
    Zi Lyon Nord Impasse Jacquard BP 62 69730 Genay

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  • Addiplast   [France]

    ZI de Campine - B.P. 12 - 43620 Saint-Pal-de-Mons

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  • DECACHIMIE S.A.   [France]


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  • Protex International      [France]

    PROTEX INTERNATIONAL is a medium-sized, independent company (Turnover over 100 M US $). Established in 1932 its business is to develop, to produce and to market chemical and biochemical special...
    WARENHANDELSGES.M.B.H. Hainburger Straße 19 - (A) 1030 Wien III

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  • Goodyear Chemical (Europe)   [France]

    14 Avenue des Tropiques ZA de Courtaboeuf 2 91955 Les Ulis Cedex

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  • Cray Valley   [France]

        Part of ATOFINA, the chemical branch of the TOTAL group, the Resins business is known as COOK COMPOSITES & POLYMERS in the United States and as CRAY VALLEY in the rest o...

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  • Rubans de Normandie   [France]

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  • Sebino   [France]

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