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Italy Agrochemicals Suppliers List


    via toledo, 265 80132 napoli

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  • Montefibre S.p.A.   [Italy]

    Via Pola, 14

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  • Biochim S.r.l.   [Italy]

    Via Volturno, 27, Quinto Stampi di Rozzano (MI)

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  • Antibioticos Spa      [Italy]

    Antibioticos, belonging to FIDIA FARMACEUTICI S.p.a. , is one of the world's largest producers of penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics for human and animal use. The Antibioticos Group was...
    Strada Rivoltana Km 6/7, Rodano, MI

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  • INFA S.P.A.      [Italy]

    INFA, since its start fifty years ago, has distinguished itself by offering first class products and services, building up a tradition of reliability, trustworthiness, and mutually beneficial l...
    Via Salvini 10, 20122 Milan (Italy)

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  • Eigenmann & Veronelli S.p.A.   [Italy]

    Mosa, 6 RHO (Mi) ITALY - Cod. Fiscale e P.I.

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  • India Industrie Chimiche SpA   [Italy]

    35129 PADOVA (ITALY),Nona strada, 57

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  • Lamberti SpA   [Italy]

        Organization:Lamberti s.p.a., founded in 1911, is an Italian chemical company leading a group of companies that have achieved a turnover of approx. USD 350 mln in 2003. ...
    Via Marsala 38 Gallarate Varese

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