Home > Global Suppliers > Spain Organic chemicals and Derivatives Suppliers

Spain Organic chemicals and Derivatives Suppliers List

  • General Quimica   [Spain]

    牋牋GENERAL QUIMICA S.A., is a company within the Spanish chemical industry founded in 1948. The Company, which has a young and dynamic managerial structure, has achieved over these years a r...
    Ayuntamiento, 3 - 01213 Zubillaga (罫AVA) SPAIN

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  • FMC Foret   [Spain]

    牋牋FMC Foret, part of the Industrial Chemicals Group of FMC Corporation (USA), has been active in Spain for more than a hundred years and is now one of the country's leading chemical manufac...
    Head Offices Xavier Cugat 2,08174 San Cugat(SPAIN)

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  • Eurocontal   [Spain]

        Eurocontal SA has been serving the international community with chemical products for more than 20 years since its foundation by Erich J.F. Our goal has always been to b...
    Lluis Companys 14,1 43005 Tarragona Spain

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  • Erkol   [Spain]

    牋牋ERKOL S.A. is an affiliated company of the Canadian Group Acetex, which is one of the world's leading producers of Acetic Acid derivatives. 牋牋Its industrial operations started in 195...
    Carretera Nacional 340, Km.1157 Apdo. 1388, 43080 Tarragona

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  • BASF Espanola S.A   [Spain]

    牋牋For BASF, Spain has special relevance as a present and future market. Following early commercial contacts at the end of the nineteenth century, BASF began its activity in our country as e...
    Crta. N-340, km. 1.156 43006 Tarragona

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