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Australia Others Suppliers List

  • Platinum Today   [Australia]

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  • WA Salt   [Australia]

        WA Salt Supply is Western Australia's premier producer of salt for the domestic market, and we have an ever-expanding export programme which takes our packaged salt to c...

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  • shree sainath enterprise   [Australia]

    we are in to export and import of dyes and dye intermediates based on benzene and naphthalene. we also have group manufacturing companies( with financial investment & holdings) producing dye in...

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  • Dow in Australia   [Australia]

    The Dow office in Frenchs Forest, in the suburbs of Sydney, is a Business/Administration Center for Dow Pacific. The office also houses some Pacific Area functions including Controllers and Inf...
    Level 5, 20 Rodborough Road Frenchs Forest, New South Wales 2086

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  • Sika Australia   [Australia]

        Sika is a global company with a total of around 80 production and marketing companies in over 60 countries. Sika is active in the field of speciality chemicals dividing ...
    Sika Australia 55 Elizabeth Street Wetherill Park NSW 2164

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  • Quantum Chemicals   [Australia]

        Commencing operations in 1987, Quantum Chemicals has become one of the leading suppliers of specialty and industrial chemicals to a diverse range of industries, both loc...
    70 Quantum Close Quantum Industrial Park Dandenong South - Melbourne Australia - 3175

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  • Korea Silicate   [Australia]

        Water is the origin of life. We can not exaggerate the importance of water. But, our life has been severely threatened by the pollution or contamination of water and soi...
    304-5, Sarihyeon-dong, Ilsan-gu Goyang-si Gyeonggi-do 411-530 Korea

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  • Cockburn Cement   [Australia]

        Cockburn Cement is the leading supplier of quicklime and cement to Western Australia抯 mining, agriculture and construction industries. With a total lime production ca...
    PO Box 38 Hamilton Hill WA 6963

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