ChemNet > Gold Suppliers > Proteome Systems
About Us

        Proteome Systems is dedicated to the development of proteomics technology, to the discovery of biomarkers and drug targets, and to the development of proteomic bioinformatics.

        Established in 1999, Proteome Systems has quickly grown to become one of the world's major forces in proteomics. Proteome Systems has Research and Development and manufacturing facilities in Sydney, Australia and Boston, USA and joint ventures (Proteome Systems Japan) with Itochu Corporation in Tokyo, Japan and Charles River Laboratories in Worcester, USA.

        Our sites have more than 20,000 square feet of office, laboratory and manufacturing space. With over 120 staff, more than a quarter of whom are PhD graduates, Proteome Systems has developed an integrated suite of novel technologies to make the world's first integrated, high-throughput platform for proteome analysis. This platform has been deployed in many laboratories throughout the world and is used in Proteome Systems' discovery programs.

        Proteome Systems Ltd is an Australian unlisted private company. Its shareholders include its founders, senior management and other private corporations.

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Unit 1, 35-41, Waterloo Road, North Ryde 2113, NSW Australia.
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