ChemNet > Gold Suppliers > Rheem Water Heaters
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        Rheem産egan operations in Australia in 1936 as the first overseas venture of RheemManufacturing company, an American drum manufacturer.

        Rheem first manufactured gas water heaters inAustralia at Waterloo, an inner Sydney suburbin 1939.Electric water heaters commencedmanufacture in 1945.

        Over the years, the Rheem productrange has diversified and has set upmanufacturing plants as markets havedeveloped. The most up-to-datetechnology has been installed to keepRheem at the forefront of manufacturingtechniques.

        Some major milestones along the way have been:

        In 1939, BHP purchased a 50% share in the company, which at that time wasmaking drums at Waterloo.

        In 1973, BHP purchased the American interest in Rheem Australia Limited, makingRheem a truly Australian company.

        In 1988, Southcorp Limited (then South Australian Brewing Holdings) purchasedRheem, which then became known as Southcorp Water Heaters.

        In January 2002, Rheem Australia Pty Ltd became a wholly owned subsidiary ofRheem Manufacturing in the U.S.A., which is in turn a wholly owned subsidiary ofPaloma Industries Ltd in Japan, a world leader in water heater technology andmanufacture. Subdsidiaries of Paloma now include Rheem Australia, Rheem NewZealand, Hotstream in China, and Rheem U.S.A.

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