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Belgium Intermediates Suppliers List


    牋牋Tessenderlo Group is an international chemicals group employing around 8,000 people on 115 sites in 22 countries worldwide.. 牋牋Its world or European leader position in most of its p...
    130, Troonstraat 1050 Brussel ,BELGIUM

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  • INEOS      [Belgium]

    INEOS is a young company. It has grown through a series of related acquisitions to become the world's third largest chemical company with sales of about $ 33 billion. Most of our employees hav...
    INEOS nv Haven 1053 Nieuwe Weg 1 B-2070 Zwijndrecht Belgium

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  • Chemosyntha NV      [Belgium]

    This year we're celebrating our 12th anniversary and we wish to thank you for your continuous support, which has allowed us to grow constantly over the years. With this letter we wish ...
    Gentstraat 588760 Meulebeke Belgium

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