ChemNet > Gold Suppliers > Barriquand Exchangeurs SA
About Us

        BARRIQUAND ECHANGEURS invented and have been manufacturing the PLATULAR產ll welded plate heat exchangers for over 50 years. BARRIQUAND ECHANGEURS will offer the best type of equipment for the duty in question through a complete and truly customized range of heat exchangers: all welded plate PLATULAR甴eat exchangers, conventional or special gasketed plates. The exchangers can be designed and constructed to all major of international codes including CODAP, ASME, Ad Merkblatt, Stoomwezen, Ispels, SVDB, BS, etc.

        For more than 30 years, BARRIQUAND ECHANGEURS has assembled and sold gasketed plates heat exchangers. These exchangers are particularly well suited for long temperature programmes because of the very high efficiency of the plates. Their applications are in the field of clean fluids and particularly for temperatures up to 140癈.

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114 rue C Demblon B - 4630 Soumagne, Belgium
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