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Canada Chemical fertilizers Suppliers List

  • Living Synergy   [Canada]

    Canada, ,

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  • Zim-ex inc.   [Canada]

    70 Dalhousie, suite #156 Quebec G1K 4B2 Canada

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  • Agrium Inc.      [Canada]

    The primary driver for our business is the need for the world抯 growers to continue to increase global food production. Global food demand continues to grow due to an increasing world popula...
    13131 Lake Fraser Drive SE,Calgary, AB T2J 7E8

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  • Toronto Research Chemicals Inc.      [Canada]

    Toronto Research Chemicals Inc. (TRC) is a world leader in the manufacture of complex organic chemicals for biomedical research. We supply products world-wide to a client base including maj...
    2 Brisbane Rd., North York, On.Canada

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  • Amalgamet Canada Div., Premetalco      [Canada]

    Amalgamet Canada, Division of Premetalco Inc., is a member of the Amalgamated Metal Corporation, PLC, headquartered in London, England. Amalgamet Canada specializes in the marketing of minerals...
    111 Richmond St., W. Suite 418 Toronto, Ont., CN M5H 2G4

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  • PotashCorp      [Canada]

    PotashCorp is the only company with dedicated sales teams for fertilizer, feed, industrial nitrogen and purified phosphates. PCS Sales provides domestic fertilizer customers access t...
    500-122 1st Avenue South Saskatoon, SK Canada

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