Home > Global Suppliers > Canada Catalyst and Auxiliary Suppliers

Canada Catalyst and Auxiliary Suppliers List

  • Netchem Inc      [Canada]

    Netchem Inc. is the youngest member of the Peekay group of companies, which includes Easton Coatings Corporation, Golden Eagle Trading Co Ltd. and Peekay Holdings Ltd., operational since 1979. ...
    19 Sage Court Brantford, Ontario Canada N3R 7T4

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  • Chemfax Products Ltd.      [Canada]

    A successful company grows by setting the standard for excellence in their market. With a vision of the future, Chemfax was incorporated in the province of Alberta, Canada on October ...
    11444 - 42 Street SECalgary, Alberta T2C 5C4

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  • Daniels Fine Chemicals Ltd      [Canada]

    Daniels Fine Chemicals Ltd. is a company specializing in custom peptide synthesis, specialty amino acids and custom organic intermediate synthesis. DFC also has a full line of fine organic chem...
    PO Box 436 Redwater, Alberta, Canada T0A 2W0

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  • Agrium Inc.      [Canada]

    The primary driver for our business is the need for the world抯 growers to continue to increase global food production. Global food demand continues to grow due to an increasing world popula...
    13131 Lake Fraser Drive SE,Calgary, AB T2J 7E8

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  • TQ Chemicals Inc   [Canada]

    PO Box 61088, Vancouver, BC, Canada,

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  • Toronto Research Chemicals Inc.      [Canada]

    Toronto Research Chemicals Inc. (TRC) is a world leader in the manufacture of complex organic chemicals for biomedical research. We supply products world-wide to a client base including maj...
    2 Brisbane Rd., North York, On.Canada

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  • Molcan Corporation      [Canada]

    Molcan Corporation is involved in custom synthesis, contract R&D, process development, technology transfer and production of active pharmaceutical ingredients, intermediates, metabolites, r...
    70 East Beaver Creek Road #39 Richmond Hill, Toronto, Ontario, Canada L4B 3B2

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  • Macco Organiques Inc.      [Canada]

    The world leader in dust free ingredients.Macco works closely with experienced and highly qualified agents and distributors world wide to provide the end-user with the best possible service...
    100, rue Mc Arthur, Valleyfield ,Canada

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