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Canada Pharmaceuticals and Biochemicals Suppliers List

  • Polymer Source Inc.   [Canada]

        Since its inception in 1994, Polymer Source Inc. takes great pride in supplying high quality of architecturally controlled specialty polymers in the world of research an...
    124 Avro Street, Dorval (Montreal), Qu閎ec H9P 2X8 CANADA

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  • Netchem Inc.   [Canada]

    牋牋Netchem Inc. is the youngest member of the Peekay group of companies, which includes Easton Coatings Corporation, Golden Eagle Trading Co Ltd. and Peekay Holdings Ltd., operational since ...
    19 Sage Court,Brantford, Ontario,Canada

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  • National Silicates Ltd.   [Canada]

        National Silicates is a wholly owned Canadian subsidiary of the PQ Corporation. The PQ Corporation in conjunction with its affiliates is the world's largest producer of ...
    429 Kipling Ave,Toronto Ont.,Canda

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  • Molcan Corporation      [Canada]

    Molcan Corporation is involved in custom synthesis, contract R&D, process development, technology transfer and production of active pharmaceutical ingredients, intermediates, metabolites, r...
    70 East Beaver Creek Road #39 Richmond Hill, Toronto, Ontario, Canada L4B 3B2

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  • Microbix Biosystems Inc.   [Canada]

        Microbix Biosystems Inc. is a biotechnology company that specializes in the development and manufacture of biological products in three markets: biotherapeutic drugs, va...
    265 Watline Avenue Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4Z 1P3

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  • Macco Organiques Inc.      [Canada]

    The world leader in dust free ingredients.Macco works closely with experienced and highly qualified agents and distributors world wide to provide the end-user with the best possible service...
    100, rue Mc Arthur, Valleyfield ,Canada

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  • Eli Chemical   [Canada]

        Eli Chemical develops and manufactures a range of specialty and fine chemicals, advanced intermediates, and biochemicals, as well as provides custom synthesis and manufa...
    1110-28 Pemberton Ave

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  • Caledon Laboratories Ltd.   [Canada]

        Caledon Laboratories Ltd. is a Canadian company that specializes in the preparation of laboratory chemicals. We carefully produce more than 1,000 different reagents, sol...
    Caledon Laboratories Limited,40 Armstrong Avenue,Georgetown, Ontario,Canada

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