Cancarb Limited
Cancarb Limited is the leading international manufacturer and marketer of medium thermal carbon black with customers on six continents.
We use natural gas, the cleanest-burning fossil fuel, to produce seven grades of medium thermal carbon black, including Stainless and Ultra-Pure - all marketed under the trade name of THERMAX.
Through total quality management and statistical process control programs, Cancarb demonstrates a solid commitment to highest quality products and services - a commitment strengthened by ISO 9001/14001 certification.
Our plant is located in Medicine Hat, the natural gas capital of Canada, in the heart of Southern Alberta reserves. From the moment gas enters our plant until THERMAX is delivered to customers, we guarantee a consistent, pure carbon black that meets specifications.
Cancarb is a wholly-owned subsidiary of TransCanada PipeLines Limited, a leading North American natural gas transmission and marketing company.