Common nameDDVP (dichlorvos) Chemical nameO,O-dimethyl-O-2,2-dichlorovinylphosphateCAS No
Molecular formulaC4H7Cl2O4P Description1.Melting Point:-60°C2.Boling Point(°C) : 7474(133.3Pa,1mmHg)3.relative density:1.415(25°C).Molecular weight:220.984.SOLUBILITY IN WATER AND SOLVENTS : 5.STABILITY : Stability: Stable in neutral, weakly acidic and weakly alkalinemedia, rapidly hydrolysed to the hydroxy-derivate in strong acids and alkalis, Soil DT50 is 100 days.ToxicityOral:Acute oral LD50 for rats c.50 mg/kg.Skin and eye:Acute percutaneous LD50 for rats c. 90 mg/kg.Slight skin and eye irritant (rabbits). Inhalation:LC50 (4 h) for rats 230 mg/m3. NOEL:(2 y) for rats 10 mg/kg diet.Toxicity class:WHO (a.i.) Ib; EPA (formulation) IADI:(JMPR) 0.004 mg/kg b.w. [1993].EC classification:T+; R26|T; R24/25; R43| N; R50 FunctionInsecticide and acaricide with respiratory, contact, and stomach action. Gives rapid knockdown. Control of household and public health insect pests,e.g. flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, bedbugs, ants, etc.; stored-product pests in warehouses, storerooms, etc.; flies and midges in animal houses; sciarid and phorid flies in mushrooms; sucking and chewing insects, and spider mites in a wide range of crops,including fruit, vines, vegetables, ornamentals, tea, rice, cotton, hops, glasshouse crops, etc. Also used as a veterinary anthelmintic.Controlling spectrumIt is effective against mushroom flies, aphids, spider mites, caterpillars, thrips, and white flies in greenhouse, outdoor fruit, and vegetable crops. Dichlorvos is used to treat avariety of parasitic worm infections in dogs, livestock, and humans. Dichlorvos can be fed to livestock to control botfly larvae in the manure.
Application cropscotton, fruit trees, vegetable, sugarcane, tobacco, tea, mulberry.
Notes1.Beans and squash seedlings are easy to produce injury, concentration can not be too high .2.The product is toxic to humans and animals,and is easily absorbed through the skin poisoning.3.Vegetables harvested before the seven days of stopping the treatment.4.Can not be mixed with alkaline pesticides.5.Fast decomposition of the aqueous solution of the product should be the distribution with the use