Amyl Inc.

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Amyl Inc.
United-States Suppliers > Amyl Inc.
Amyl Inc. is a privately held corporation. the Patel family who owns the corporation has three generations of involvement into the chemical and pharmaceutical industry on a global basis. With the inherent opportunities existing in the United States, the ownership opted to move its World Headquarters to Houston in the early 1980's. The company is thus poised for a solid growth. The company has evolved rapidly and has kept pace with the developments in the industry. Initially the physical presenc...


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  • Glycols
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  • Acetic Acid
  • CAS:38183-12-9 
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  • Caustic Potash
  • CAS:1310-58-3  
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  • Phosphoric Acid
  • CAS:7664-38-2 
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  • Di-acetone Alcohol
  • CAS:123-42-2 
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  • Methyl Ethyl Ketone
  • CAS:78-93-3 
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  • Methyl Isobutyl Ketone
  • CAS:108-10-1 
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  • Hexane
  • CAS:110-54-3;92112... 
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  • Ethyl Alcohols
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  • Isopropyl Alcohol
  • CAS:67-63-0 
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