- Category :
Catalyst and Auxiliary
- CAS NO : 25550-51-0
- EC NO : 247-094-1
- Molecular Formula : C18H26O7
- Main Specifications : Appearance:Colorless transparent liquid,Colour and lustre.(platinum-cobalt ):<10#,Purity%:≥97.0,Iodine value%:<2.0,Free acid %:<1.0,Acid valuemgKOH/g:≥650,ViscosityPa.S(25℃):0.045~0.075,Density g/cm3(20℃):1.180±0.05,Freezing point℃:<-20,Component:3,4-meth
- Synonyms : methyl hexahydrophthalic anhydride (MHHPA);methyl hexahydrophthalic anhydride;3,4-Methyl hexahydrophthalic anhydride;MeHHPA;3a-methylhexahydro-2-benzofuran-1,3-dione;2,2'-(oxydicarbonyl)bis(2-methylcyclohexanecarboxylic acid);MHHPA;Hexahydromethylphthalic anhydride;
Package: 25kg plastic barrel or 220kg iron barrel
Uses : pesticide, plasticizer and antirust agent, etc.
Molecular Structure:

Product description:
Methylhexahydrophthalic anhydride is a kind of high performance product in acid anhydrides curing agents. In addition to the general performance of methyl THPA, it has the characteristics like:high purity, light color and luster, low viscosity, small volatility. It is colorless transparent liquid. It will not change color if added accelerator. The epoxy curing material is colorless and transparent, with good heat resistance. This epoxy curing material has excellent mechanical behavior and electrical property. The curing material has the characteristics like: moisture-proof, high reactivity and short gel time, which has advantages to the dip forming of large motor.