Chemical compositionOrganicbase,addition agent and cleaning agent.Technical index Item Indexappearance colourless to light yellow liquiddensity (...ssss
Ingredients di t butyl peroxide Features: Adding 0.1-0.3% in low cetane value, it can increase cetane value 2-9 units. It can improve the combust...ssss
Chemical composition macromolecule film-forming agent (modified imidazoline)Technical index item indexappearancelight yellow and clear liquiddens...ssss
Chemical compositionpolymerization inhibitor, antioxidant and dispersing agent Technical index Item Indexappearancecolourless to Light yellow tra...ssss
Chemical compositionstrong polar single acid ester, cosolvent.Technical indexItemIndexappearancelight yellow to amber liquid solubilitymiscible w...ssss
Chemical compositionorganic amine neutralizers and macromolecule adsorption film-former.Technique index item indexappearancecolorless to light ye...ssss
Chemical compositionThe main components of LD-P series of crude oil demulsifier mainly were non-ionic surface active agents, which were polymeriz...ssss
Chemical compositionwater-soluble organic amine inhibitor, phosphate detergent-dispersant, film-forming agent and solubilizer.Technical index Ite...ssss
Chemical compositionshielding aromatic amines, metal deactivation agent ,metal deactivator and detergent-dispersant.Technical index Item Indexapp...ssss
Chemical composition The agent was made compoundly from organic amine derivatives and acetylene alcohol with a function of corrosion inhibition a...ssss