CN ChemNet > Gold Suppliers > Guangxi Nanning Junwei Feed Co., Ltd.
Livestock Compound Minerals Inquire
1. Product Functions and FeaturesAccording to the growth needs of pigs in different growth stages, we can provide high-quality microelement compo...ssss
Aquatic Compound Minerals Inquire
1. Product Functions and FeaturesAccording to the type of fishes and shrimps in different growth stages, we can provide high-quality microelement...ssss
Ruminant Compound Minerals Inquire
0.4% Ruminant Compound Minerals Trace elements are the elements whose content in the animal body is less than one ten thousandth of its weight. T...ssss
586 Livestock Compound Minerals Inquire
Calcium Acetate(Cacider®)A resolution to animal intestinal health and calcium source Cacider is compound organic acid calcium developed by G...ssss
340 Sow Compound Minerals Inquire
Sow Mineral Compound Minerals(Munaikang) Munaikang is an innovative product of Guangxi Nanning Junwei Feed Co., Ltd, a feed used to supplement an...ssss
Calcium Acetate Inquire
CAS NO:62-54-4;   MF:C4H6O4Ca
Calcium Acetate(Cacider®)A resolution to animal intestinal hea...ssss
Copper sulfate pentahydrate Inquire
CAS NO:7758-99-8;   MF:CuSO4¡¤5(H2O)
1. Product Functions and FeaturesCopper sulphate is a supplement of...ssss
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