- Category :
Pharmaceuticals and Biochemicals
- CAS NO : 66-22-8
- EC NO : 200-621-9
- Molecular Formula : C4H4N2O2
- Main Specifications : USP28,USP29,EP5
- Synonyms : 2,4-(1H,3H-Pyrimidinedione);pyrimidine-2,4(1H,3H)-dione;Urasil;2,4(1H,3H)-Pyrimidinedione;2,4-dioxy pyrimidine;2,4-Dihydroxypyrimidine;U;2,4-pyrimidinediol;
Package: Packing: 20kg paper drum.
Uses : Anticancer intermediate.
Molecular Structure:

Product description:
Preparation] from malic acid, sulfuric acid and urea by the reaction.
Uracil is a unique RNA bases, the equivalent of DNA in theThymine(T). In the process of DNA transcription, DNA in the nucleus has been unwinding enzyme rotation, and then with the free pair of base pairs to form a single strand of RNA, aMessenger RNA(mRNA). In this process,Base pairingPrinciples: A-U, C-G, T-A, G-C.Pyrimidine basesOne withCytosineThe composition of RNA together. Also contained in the uridine diphosphate glucose polysaccharides such as generating important precursors. Presents specific ultraviolet absorption (maximum 259 nm). Between RNA and DNA The main difference is the different sugar components, RNA contains uracil, DNA containing thymine.