sodium benzoate for sale
- Category :
Food and Feed additives/Food additives
- CAS NO : 532-32-1
- EC NO : 208-534-8
- Molecular Formula : C7H5NaO2
- Main Specifications : sodium benzoate for sale
- Synonyms : Sodium benzoate;Benzoic acid sodium salt;benzoic acid sodium crystalline;benzoic acid sodium sigmaultra;Benzoic acid,sodium salt;
Package: 25kg/bag
Uses : sodium benzoate for sale
Molecular Structure:

Product description:
Sodium Benzoate
E No:E211
CAS No:532-32-1
Einecs No:208-534-8
HS Code:29163100
Introduction As a high-effective preservative recommended by FAO and WHO, Potassium Sorbate can inhibit the activity of fungus, yeast and aerobic bacterium, and prevent the growth and reproduction of botulinum, staphylococcus, salmonella and other harmful microorganisms. Moreover,Potassium Sorbatev has no effect to beneficial microorganisms, such as anaerobic bacillus and acidophilus lactobacillus. Having a stronger inhibition effect than sterilization effect,Potassium Sorbate can effectively prolong the preservation time of the food without changing the original flavor. The antisepsis effect of Potassium Sorbate is 5-10 times as much as that of sodium benzoate.
Appearance : White Powder
Suitable Crowd Suitable use for diabetes, seniors and obese people with high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease patients as replacement sugar.