ChemNet > Gold Suppliers > Hangzhou Sage Chemical Co., Ltd.
Diethyl 2,2-difluoromalonate Inquire
CAS NO:680-65-9;   MF:C6H8F4O
Diethyl fluoromalonate Inquire
CAS NO:685-88-1;   MF:C7H11FO4
1-Bromo-4-iodobenzene Inquire
CAS NO:589-87-7;   MF:C6H4BrI
2,3-Difluorophenylboronic acid Inquire
CAS NO:121219-16-7;   MF:C6H5BF2O2
3,4-Difluorophenylboronic acid Inquire
CAS NO:168267-41-2;   MF:C6H2F4O2
4-Ethylphenylboronic acid Inquire
CAS NO:63139-21-9;   MF:C8H11BO2
4-Pentylbenzeneboronic acid Inquire
CAS NO:121219-12-3;   MF:C11H17BO2
Methyl 3-acetonitril-4-chlorobenzoate Inquire
2-Methyl-3-nitrophenol Inquire
CAS NO:5460-31-1;   MF:C7H7NO3
2,3,4-trifluorophenol Inquire
CAS NO:2822-41-5;   MF:C6H3F3O
2-Nitro phenylacetic acid Inquire
CAS NO:3740-52-1;   MF:C8H6NO4
1-Bromo-3-fluoro-5-chloro benzene Inquire
1-Bromo-2-iodo benzene Inquire
CAS NO:583-55-1;   MF:C6H4BrI
1-Bromo-2-nitro-4-methyl benzene Inquire
4-bromo-3-(trifluoromethoxy)aniline Inquire
CAS NO:116369-25-6;   MF:C7H5BrF3NO
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