sodium monophosphate
- Category :
- CAS NO : 7681-53-0
- EC NO : 231-669-9
- Molecular Formula : NaH2PO2
- Main Specifications : 99.50%
- Synonyms : Chemical na-47;Sodium Hypophosphite;Phosphinic acid, sodium salt;SHP;sodium phosphinate;
Package: 25KG/bag
Uses : this product can be used as nickel plating for medicine and chemicals and it also can be used as strong reductant.
Molecular Structure:

Product description:
sodium monophosphate
CAS NO:7681-53-0
Assay 102(%)
molecular formula:NaH2PO2
molecular Weight:87.98
EINECS NO:231-669-9
physical and chemical properties:colorless monoclinic system crystal or pearly luster crystal or white crystal powder without smelly and with Taste salty;this product can be easily soluble in water,ethano,glycerol and slight in ammonia,ammonia water,and it could not be soluble in diethyl ether.
Products Usage:this product can be used as nickel plating for medicine and chemicals and it also can be used as strong reductant.