4-Bromobenzyl bromide
- Category :
- CAS NO : 589-15-1
- EC NO : 209-636-5
- Molecular Formula : C7H6Br2
- Main Specifications :
- Synonyms : alpha,4-Dibromotoluene;Bromobenzylbromide,95%;4-Bromobenzylbromide;alpha p-Dibromotoluene;P-BROMOBENZYL BROMIDE;PBBB;Bromobenzyl bromide;
Molecular Structure:

Product description:
It can volatilize with steam and sublimate when heated. It is easily soluble in alcohol,ether,carbon disulfide,benzene and glacial acetic acid.And it is water soluble.It is corrosive and tear causing.It is used in the determination of aromatic polycarboxylic and other organic synthesis.This product should be sealed in a cool place from light.
If you are sourcing 4-Bromobenzyl bromide from China ,just feel free to inquire