Barium chloride
- Category :
Inorganic chemicals
- CAS NO : 10361-37-2
- EC NO : 233-788-1
- Molecular Formula : BaCl2
- Main Specifications :
- Synonyms : Barium chloride,anhydrous;Barium Chloride Anhydrous;
Uses : Used in water treatment, neutral heating and pesticides
Molecular Structure:

Product description:
It is an industrial chemical of wide use among barium salts. It can be used for fabrication of barium salts in chemical industry, for heat treatment in iron and steel industry and as carbonization material of steel instead of sodium chloride. In addition, it can also be used for boiler water treatment, for abolishing sulfuric acid radical in salt electrolysis, for prevention from fade of pigment and enamelware, and as mordant in leather industry and dulling agent of rayon.