Dianiline Dithiophosphoric Acid
- Category :
- CAS NO : 33619-92-0
- EC NO : 251-598-7
- Molecular Formula : C8H18NaO2PS2
- Main Specifications : Dianiline Dithiophosphoric Acid 95.0% min. 90.0% min. Insoluble 0.5% max. 1.0% max.
- Synonyms : Sodium di-sec-butyl phosphorodithioate;Aeroflat 238;HSDB 2626;Phosphorodithioic acid, O,O-bis(1-methylpropyl) ester, sodium salt;Phosphorodithioic acid, O,O-di-sec-butyl ester, sodium salt;Phosphorodithioic acid, O,O-bis(1-methylpropyl) ester, sodium salt (1:1);Sodium O,O-di-sec-butyl dithiophosphate;sodium O,O-dibutan-2-yl phosphorodithioate;
Molecular Structure:

Product description:
Dianiline Dithiophosphoric Acid is silver, copper, lead, and the activation of zinc sulfide ore effective collector agent, can also be used for the pyrite flotation activation, it can also be used for nickel, antimony sulfide ore flotation, especially for nickel sulfide ore, refractory sulfide mixed nickel oxide ore and sulfide ore and gangue in the ore, according to the study, the use of black Ding ammonium drugs is conducive to the recovery of platinum, gold, silver. This medicine is only a weak start bullous.