Dimethyl carbonate
- Category :
- CAS NO : 616-38-6
- EC NO : 210-478-4
- Molecular Formula : C3H6O3
- Main Specifications : Content ≥99.0%
- Synonyms : Methyl carbonate;Carbonic acid dimethyl ester;DMC;
Molecular Structure:

Product description:
PC : DMC can be used to compand PC.
Pharmacy:DMC is mainly used to compose antibiotics,fever-reliever and painkiller, vitamin and central nervous system depressants & stimulants.
Pesticide:DMC is mainly used to produce methyl isocyanate and further produce amino formic acid medicine,etc.
Slovent and Coating:painting,printing,adhesive industry, etc.
electrolytic solution: Electrolyte of lithium battery.
Substitute:DMC could produce phenyl methyl ether by taking the place of dimethyl sulphate, and manufacture TMAH in place of chlo-romethane.