Lithium Fluoride
- Category :
Inorganic chemicals
- CAS NO : 7789-24-4
- EC NO : 232-152-0
- Molecular Formula : LiF
- Main Specifications : Battery grade 99.95%
- Synonyms : Lithium Fluoride Anhydrous;Lithiumfluoridefusedcrystalsmmpieces;Lithiumfluoridewhitepowder;Lithium fluoride (99.9% Li) (fused crystals);LT-E001;LiF;
Package: It can be used as a flux in enamel, glass, ceramic, brazing & welding, and meltensalt chemistry. It has also been suggested as a heat-sink material in space shuttles for storing thermal energy from solar radiation.
Molecular Structure:

Product description:
It is white powder, almost insoluble in water, ethanol and acetone. It can be dissolved in hydrofluoric acid or other acids.