sodium sulfide
- Category :
Inorganic chemicals/Inorganic alkali
- CAS NO : 1313-82-2
- EC NO : 215-211-5
- Molecular Formula : Na2S
- Main Specifications : content 60%
- Synonyms : Sodium monosulfide;Sodium sulfide (Na2S);sodium sulfuret;Sodium Sulphide;Disodium monosulfide;Disodium sulfide;disodiummonosulfide;disodiumsulfide;Hesthsulphid;Na2-S;disodium sulfanide;sodium sulfidosodium;
Package: Four layers of plastic bags
Molecular Structure:

Product description:
It is primarily used in pulp and paper industry in the kraft process . It is used in water treatment as an oxygen scavenger agent and also as a metals precipitant, in the photographic industry to protect developer solutions from oxidation, in textile industry as a bleaching, as a desulfurising and as a dechlorinating agent and in leather trade for the sulfitisation of tanning extracts. It is used in chemical manufacturing as a sulfonation and sulfomethylation agent. It is used in the production of rubber chemicals, sulfur dyes and other chemical compounds. It is used in other applications including ore flotation, oil recovery, food preservative, making dyes, and detergent.
Sodium sulfide is an active ingredient in some over-the-counter ingrown toenail relief products.