CN ChemNet > Gold Suppliers > AOBChem Zhuhai (China)
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    AOBChem Zhuhai (China) AOBChem USA, headquartered in Los Angeles, California is a leading supplier of building blocks. With R&D labs and scale-up facilities in China, we manufacture pharmaceutical intermediates with more than 95% of our products In Stock. New and unique items are added to the catalog daily. Our integrated, state-of-the-art manufacturing facility enables us to service orders that range from milligrams, kilograms to multi-tons. Quality and competitive pricing are the basis of AOBChem’s culture. Excellence for us means the perfect balance between the quality of our products and our services. At AOBChem, each person, in every job throughout the company, shares this common passion for excellence. Behind each client there is an experienced team of specialists and attentive customer support staff that is always at the full service of the client. We believe our experience, scale of operations, technology, and production proficiency provides the ingredients for excellence.
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West Floor 3, Building 6A Zhizaodajie, West Zhuhaidadao Zhuhai 519090, China
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