- Hold and protection for electrodes. - Simplifyed calibration without risk. - Flange or PE collar fixation. - For gel KCl electrodes - PG 13,5 ...ssss
9200 probes serie allows pH or ORP mesurement and will be specify for each measure type. Those probes are designed to receive gel electrodes, fo...ssss
Except contrary indications, all electrodes have Ag/AgCl reference system ceramic diaphragm : theorical zero point is at pH 7 (0 mV) . Theorical...ssss
PRINCIPLEThose cells are exclusivelly designed for swimming pool or chloration process. Water characteristics for measure: - Without oil or greas...ssss
DESCRIPTION The BCP48 is a meter to exceptional performances in a format DIN 48 x 48. During the idea of this product, an particular attention h...ssss
FUNCTIONING The meter indicates permanent the resistivity. Alarm preset is done internal with a push-button and potentiometer. In case the indic...ssss
DESCRIPTIONThe BAMOCOR series are easy-to-use microprocessor based controllers. Calibration and configuration is as easy as pushing a button. Cal...ssss
APPLICATIONS Electrodes of measure series BF 1200 are destined in proportion with weaks resistivity or forts conductivity with or without compen...ssss
The gauge can be fitted into any type of silo or container. - When the container is emply the propeller is moved by a keyed motor free on shaft....ssss
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