METHOD 1. Chromic acid is scrubbed for 10-15 min .on the Nickel Screen to be degreased and then the screenis hosed down with water. TECHNO TEX d...ssss
SOFTENING & STRIPPING AGENT FOR ENDRINGS APPLICATION: Pour Endring remover ER 30 in a plastic bucket till the liquid level is approximately 2 cm...ssss
Hi Fluff X Application: For Removal of Fluff , loose fibres ,threads ,dirt etc. from cotton fabrics before printing. Properties: Tacky surface ,...ssss
FEBCOAT TM BLANKET ADHESIVE CLOTHE FIXING AGENT INTRODUCTION : FAB COAT is an excellent fabric holding agent, Designed to hold the fabric firmly...ssss
Stripping Agent For Screens APPLICATION: Stripping agent for engraved screens for all mesh counts after Polymerization of Photo emulsion. DIRECT...ssss
DYELEVEL DTF is an effective leveling agent in dying of synthetics. It also works as dispersing Agent with increase in dye bath stability. Appea...ssss