gasoline antioxidant detergent Suppliers, gasoline antioxidant detergent Manufacturers.

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Shandong Libaode Chemical Co., Ltd.

gasoline antioxidant detergent

  • Category :
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  • Main Specifications :
  • Product description :
    Chemical composition
    shielding aromatic amines, metal deactivation agent ,metal deactivator and detergent-dispersant.

    Technical index




    brown  liquid

    density (20oC)kg/m3


    flash point(open) oC


    solidifying point    oC


    Performance and application
    Aromatic amines could provide active hydrogen atoms in gasoline and terminate radical chain reaction of hydrocarbon and inhibit the oxidation of hydrocarbons. The metal passivation agent could inhibit the catalyticaction of metal ions on the Hydrocarbon oxidation and reduce the generation of pectin. Detergent-dispersant could dissolve the resulting pectin to avoid the occourance of condensation. Therefore, the LD-Q gasoline antioxidant detergent had been widely used in gasoline blending to raise the induction period of various types of catalyst gasoline.

    Use method
    The product should be added to gasoline through the static mixer and it was recommended to dilute with petrol to 10-20% solution before use. The dosage generally was 20-40PPm and a laboratory test was necessary for the accuracy.

    Package and store
    200L iron drum packaging. The product should be stored according to dangerous goods storage norm of toxic and flammable.

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