Diazinon Emulsifiable Concentration Suppliers, Diazinon Emulsifiable Concentration Manufacturers.

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Hangzhou Kinsey Bio-tech Co., Ltd.

Diazinon Emulsifiable Concentration

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  • Main Specifications :
    50% Diazinon Emulsifiable Concentration
  • Product description :

    Trade Name:50% Diazinon Emulsifiable Concentration

    Common Name:Diazinon

    Category :Insecticide


    1. It has low acute oral toxicity to male and female rats (LD50 825-1000mg/kg)

    2. It has low acute skin toxicity to male and female rats (LD50 <2000mg/kg)

    3. It is a weak to medium irritant to eyes; not an irritant to skin; will not cause deformation or cancer in human or animals.


    1. The product should not be used with alkaline pesticide, propanil, and copper containing bactericides; do not use the product two weeks before or after applying propanil

    2. The maximum allowed residue level of diazinon is 0.75ppm; the safety period before harvest is 10 days.

    3. Do not use copper or copper alloy containers, or plastic bottles to store the product; store in cool and dry place

    4. In the event of poisoning due to spraying the pesticide, move the patient out to location with fresh air. If the product is swallowed, make the patient vomit, and use 1-2% soda solution or clean water for stomach; let the patient rest and send to hospital. Use ample amount of water to flush 10-15 minutes, and then apply sulfacetamide eye drops if it gets into the eyes; for severe case, apply 10% sulfacetamide ointment on the eyes.

    5. Use oxygen therapy if the patient has difficulty in respiration; artificial respiration for severe cases. Antidotes: atropine sulfate, pralidoxime iodide, etc

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