PT Zinc Oxide Desulfurizer Suppliers, PT Zinc Oxide Desulfurizer Manufacturers.
Pingxiang Global Chemical Packing Co.,Ltd.

PT Zinc Oxide Desulfurizer
Category :
Catalyst and AuxiliaryCAS NO :
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Main Specifications :
PT Desulfurizer is a new and effective product with high surface area. sulfur capacity, crushing strength and free volume and low pressure drop, which is widely used in the fine desulfurization of purification process of oil and gas material in syntheticPacking :
customer's requestProduct description :
PT Desulfurizer is a new and effective product with high surface area. sulfur capacity, crushing strength and free volume and low pressure drop, which is widely used in the fine desulfurization of purification process of oil and gas material in synthetic ammonia, methanol and hydrogen making industriesUses :
oil refinery,natural gas
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