Cordyceps extract polysaccharides Suppliers, Cordyceps extract polysaccharides Manufacturers.
Changsha Huakang Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd.

Cordyceps extract polysaccharides
Category :
Pharmaceuticals and Biochemicals/Herbal Plant ExtractCAS NO :
Molecular Formula :
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Main Specifications :
40% PolysaccharidesPacking :
25kg/fiber drum I.D.42CM x H52CMProduct description :
Cordyceps Extract PolysaccharidesLatin Name: Cordyceps SinensisActive Ingredient: PolysaccharidesSpecifications: 40% PolysaccharidesTest Method: UVBotanical source: CordycepsLatin Name: Cordyceps sinensisJapanese Name: TochukasoChinese name: Summer-grass winter-worm (Chong Cao)Family: CordycepsPart of Plant Used: MyceliumActive Ingredients: PolysaccharidesSpecifications: 40% PolysaccharidesTesting Method: UVAppearance: Yellow Brown PowderDescriptionCordyceps is a genus of ascomycete fungi that includes about 400 described species. All Cordyceps species are endoparasitoids, mainly on insects and other arthropods (they are thus entomopathogenic fungi); a few are parasitic on other fungi. The best known species of the genus is Cordyceps sinensis, which is considered a medicinal mushroom that increases energy, stimulates the immune system, and acts as an overall tonic to the body. It is one of the more famous Chinese herbs.BenefitsHelps regulate cholesterol levelsStimulates the immune systemAlleviates the symptoms of various respiratory illnessesIncreases energy levelRegulates blood pressureRegulates kidney and liver functionRevitalises sex drive, sexual desire and potencyApplicationTraditioanl Chinese medicineFood supplementHealth foodPharmaceuticalUses :
pharmaceutical, health food
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