fertilizer Suppliers, fertilizer Manufacturers.
YingCheng Shindoo Import And Export Trading co.,Ltd

Category :
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Product description :
1. NPK: Shindoo produce all kinds of compound fertilizer. Total output is 1,630,000 metric tons per year. Our products includes high ,medium and low concentration chloro-(CL-),high concentration thioxo(S), K2HP4, thioxo(S), Nitryl-thioxo(S), semi -organic soil conditioner and BB fertilizer as well as more than 100 other different kinds of products.2. Shindoo is the only full-line compound fertilizer supplier in China, and it is the largest manufacturer in Western part of China.3. Produced by: Xindu Fertilizer Co., Ltd; Ermei Fountain Fertilizer Co., Ltd; Chong Zhou Fertilizer Co., Ltd and Ying Cheng Fertilizer Co., Ltd.4. Package: 9.5Kg, 25Kg, 40Kg, 50Kg5. Different kinds of fertilizer:
CategoryTypeQuantityProportion(N-P-K)Production process
Medium Concentration
Thioxo(S)35%30-5-0Tower granulationCL36%16-20-0,26-10-0
Spray granulation
36%16-20-0-13(Ammonium Phosphate Sulphate Nitrate)40%20-20-0(Urea Ammonium Phosphate)40%16-16-8
High ConcentrationCL44%20-16-8, 20-8-16Spray granulationCO(NH2)240%24-6-10, 26-6-8
Tower granulation
Thioxo(S)45%15-15-15, 20-5-20
Organic and InorganicNitryl
Spray granulation
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