China mangosteen Fruit extract Suppliers, China mangosteen Fruit extract Manufacturers.
3W Botanical Extract Inc.

China mangosteen Fruit extract
Category :
Pharmaceuticals and Biochemicals/Herbal Plant ExtractCAS NO :
Molecular Formula :
Molecular Weight :
Main Specifications :
90% α -mangostinPacking :
packed in aluminum foil bag,double plastic-bag insideProduct description :
. Introductions about mangosteen Fruit This fruit is extremely rich with enzymes, vitamins, trace minerals, Anthocyanins, and antioxidants. Garcinia mangostana is a tropical evergreen plant that original from South Asia. The tree can grow up 25 meters high, and gives fruits after 10 years. A plant hard to grow This plant’s fruit is edible, it has a specific taste and played an important part in the traditional medicine of the South Asia populations. You eat the white tender inside part of the plant, and those who have tried it said that its taste is something between strawberry, peach and vanilla ice cream. The plant as always been used to reduce body temperature as well as to stop the spreading of particular infections. Probably this is the reason why once the local populations called the “fruit of gods”. Considering that it does not grow wild, mangostin is hard to grow. Its fruit has a round shape, something smaller than a tennis ball, violet colour. You can eat it fresh or dried, but also as an extremely tasty juice. Mangostin is still not very known in Europe and America. This super fruit is extremely rich with enzymes, vitamins, trace minerals, Anthocyanins, and antioxidants. Researches carried out until now on the medical used of this fruit, showed that, apart from being tasty, really has a multiple beneficial effect on health. Beneficial effect on health Its effects are mainly preventive – magnostin gives energy and vitality, that is, it increases the immunity system of the body, helping it to fight infections and illnesses. The range of illnesses mangostin can cure or help, shows that this is really a super fruit. It is a mild antidepressant and analgesic, and it stops the loosing of memory that often appears in old age. Being a good antioxidant, it reduces the chances to get cancer, but it also preserves skin cells. It protects the heart, reduces fats in the blood and it stop the formation of renal calculi. It can be used to reduce stress and to loose kilos. More and more frequent proves of this fruit’s powers may soon contribute to its higher production and accessibility in the western market.
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