Dithiophosphate ba Suppliers, Dithiophosphate ba Manufacturers.
Yantai Huitong Flotation Reagents Co.,

Dithiophosphate ba
Category :
Catalyst and AuxiliaryCAS NO :
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Product description :
Product Description: TRADEMARK:B2-03
NATURE AND APPEARANCE: White to grey powder, no smell, deliquescentin air, soluble in water.
APPLICATION: It is and effective collector for siler, copper, lead and activated zinc suifide minerals, and is used in the flotation of iron sulfide activated. It is also used in the flotation of nickel and antimony sulfurized minerals. The product has frothing function.
SPECIFICATION:ITEMSGRADEA GRADEB ACTIVE MATTER FOR FOLATION% ≥ 95 91 INSOLUBLE MATTER IN WATER% ≤ 0.5 1.2 PACKAGE: Drums, 110kgs net weight, or to be packed according to the requirements of users.
STORAGE: Anti-damps, anti-heat and anti-fire.
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