RADA 16-I Suppliers, RADA 16-I Manufacturers.
Hangzhou Peptide Biochem Co., Ltd

Category :
Pharmaceuticals and BiochemicalsCAS NO :
Molecular Formula :
Molecular Weight :
Main Specifications :
EP,USP,GMP,ISO9001,FDAPacking :
10g,100g,1kgProduct description :
RADARADARADARADA (RADA 16-I) is a synthetic amphiphilic peptide designed to self-assemble in a controlled way into fibrils and higher ordered structures depending on pH RADARADARADARADA (RADA 16-I) is a synthetic amphiphilic peptide designed to self-assemble in a controlled way into fibrils and higher ordered structures depending on pH RADARADARADARADA (RADA 16-I) is a synthetic amphiphilic peptide designed to self-assemble in a controlled way into fibrils and higher ordered structures depending on pHUses :
RADARADARADARADA (RADA 16-I) is a synthetic amphiphilic peptide designed to self-assemble in a controlled way into fibrils and higher ordered structures depending on pH
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