Soluprick SQ (ALK prick in Germany) is produced at the Dansih production facilities and is mostly sold as a registered product. Soluprick contai...ssss
IgE was measured for the first time in 1966 with the RAST technique. The techniques have improved a lot since then and new assay techniques have...ssss
Panels are a mix of different allergens and are often divided into functional groups of allergens (food-mixes, mite-mixes etc). The number of all...ssss
Allergy Screen is a special panel which includes 19 different allergens. The assay architecture is not different from the other panels but volume...ssss
Alutard SQ (ALK-depot in Germany) is produced at the Danish production facilities and is mostly sold as a registered product. Alutard contains al...ssss
Aquagen (ALK-lyophilisiert in Germany) is the brand name of the freeze-dried allergy vaccine from ALK-Abell for inhalant allergens. It is produce...ssss
Pharmalgen (Reless in Germany) is, as Aquagen, a freeze-dried product co-packaged with a diluent for reconstitution. It is produced in a slightly...ssss