ChemNet > Gold Suppliers > Blackmer S.A.
Sliding Vane Pump Inquire
These pumps have a number of vanes that are free to slide into or out of slots in the pump rotor. When the pump driver turns the rotor, centrifu...ssss
Centrifugal Pump Inquire
The simplest type of centrifugal pump is the single stage machine that consists fundamentally of a rotating element, called an impeller, and a c...ssss
Eccentric Movement Pump Inquire
These pumps consist of a cylinder and a pumping element mounted on an eccentric shaft. As the eccentric shaft is rotated, the pumping element fo...ssss
Reciprocating Gas Compressor Inquire
The single stage, reciprocating compressors create a low-pressure area in the pumping chamber when the piston moves from the highest point of th...ssss
Peristaltic Pumps Inquire
The Abaque pump operates on the peristaltic principle which was patented in 1925 by Mr. Horthaus of France. It is classified as positive displac...ssss
Rotary Vane Compressor Inquire
This compressor incorporates simple, dependable, rotating sliding-vane technology to provide sustained performance pressures or vacuums for off-...ssss
Screw Compressors Inquire
Within the compressor body there are two screws with matting profile: a female and a male screw, female having concave inlets and the male with ...ssss
Labyrinth Seals Inquire
The Labyrinth Seal is an effective barrier against water and other contaminants that destroy bearings. Non-contacting rotary and stationary eleme...ssss
Hydraulic Cooler Inquire
The Blackmer Hydrive is a fully integrated hydraulic drive system that is designed for use with transfer pump and other types of rotating equipm...ssss
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