CGF Gallet.
We will protect vital functions with comfortable, sophisticated head protection and peripherals equipment, such as eye protection, mask integration, radio communication systems, infrared and night vision equipment integration.
We offer and guarantee that the highest quality is a top priority. MSA Gallet is a certified ISO 9001 company.
We encourage an enterprising spirit, self sufficiency, sense of responsability, adaptability and integrity. The staff of MSA Gallet has a team spirit with a common goal : Total customer satisfaction. In order to maintain our high level of research, we will have long term collaboration with major international institutions.
Since May 2002, MSA GALLET belongs to the group MSA, which is the world's leading provider of quality products and services that protect people's health and safety and the environment. The company has annual sales of about $550 million, with manufacturing operations throughout the United States and Europe, and 27 international affiliates. So MSA GALLET benefits now of a international sales outlet, and becomes further more closer to its customers.
MSA Gallet has built its specialist reputation in all sectors where head protection equipment is fundamental. MSA Gallet holds a world leadership position in public safety. Our products are used by fire fighters, ambulance personnel, policemen and industrial workers. MSA Gallet increases its sales also in the military and aeronautic sectors.