Home > Global Suppliers > Germany Organic chemicals and Derivatives Suppliers

Germany Organic chemicals and Derivatives Suppliers List

  • Alfa Aesar GmbH & Co KG      [Germany]

    Alfa Aesar, a Johnson Matthey Company is a leading international manufacturer and supplier of Research Chemicals, Metals and Materials. The Alfa Aesar product range now encompasses a ...
    Zeppelinstrasse 7, 76185, Karlsruhe, Germany

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  • Karl H. Boddin Chemiehandel GmbH   [Germany]

    Hans-Henny-Jahnn-Weg 35 22085 Hamburg, Hamburg,

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  • BASF      [Germany]

    Our portfolio ranges from basic petrochemicals and inorganics primarily for captive use to intermediates and specialties for all areas for customers. The most important customer industries fo...

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  • Phrikolat GmbH   [Germany]

    Dammstr. 70-80 D - 53721 Siegburg Germany

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  • SysKem Chemiehandel GmbH      [Germany]

    Welcome to SysKem Chemiehandel GmbH ! Flexibility, competence, fairness and reliability are the pinciples of our philosophy and the necessary basis for the relationships with our customers an...
    P.O. Box 20 06 04 42206 Wuppertal/Germany

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  • H&M CHEMICAL TRADING GMBH      [Germany]

    H&M CHEMICAL TRADING GMBH is a chemical trading and distribution company specializing in marketing chemicals, solvents, additives, and raw materials to domestic and international customers. Ou...
    Palmaille 28 22767 Hamburg

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  • Sabic Deutschland GmbH      [Germany]

    SABIC was established in 1976 to add value to Saudi Arabia's natural hydrocarbon resources. Today, SABIC is among the leading petrochemical companies in terms of sales and product diversity. He...
    SABIC Europe Europaboulevard 1 6135 LD Sittard The Netherlands

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  • Rutgers AG   [Germany]

    Rellinghauser Strasse 3, Essen

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