ChemNet > Gold Suppliers > Boeckel + Co.
Spectrophotometers Inquire
Wavelength ranges: 320 - 1000 nm (S-20) 198 - 1000 nm (S-22) Bandwidths: 8 nm (S-20) 6 nm (S-22 ssss
Liquid Handling Inquire
Haematocrit Centrifuge Inquire
High-speed bench-top centrifuge for microhaematocrit determinations. Scratch and impact resistant plastic housing, lid of polycarbonate, electri...ssss
Centrifuge S-8 Inquire
Practical and handy the BOECO S-8 is the ideal centrifuge for small sample volumens. It is supplied with a 8-place angle steel rotor, which acco...ssss
Centrifuge M-24 Inquire
Powerful, space-saving, low-noise, reliable and microprocessor-controlled centrifuge with brushless frequency drive. Whether cryo, PCR or standa...ssss
Centrifuge C-28 Inquire
The non-refrigerated microprocessor-controlled C-28 is the ideal bench- top centrifuge tor perfonning daily routine tasks in doctors' laboratori...ssss
Centrifuge U-32R Inquire
The at high and low speed smooth and quiet running centrifugesU-32/32R with their versatile and easily exchangeable accessories are the perfect ...ssss
Portable microprocessor pH Inquire
Parallel temperature and function mode indication. All readings are automatically compensated by manual setting or temperature sensing probe. Au...ssss
Volumetric Pipettes Inquire
Graduated Pipettes Inquire
Graduated Pipettes, total delivery, zero at top, from 5 ml with filter bed, amber graduation, sodaglass, Cl.B / DIN 12695, Cl.AS / DIN 12697ssss
BOECO Macro Pipetting Aid Inquire
Asingle rocker-switch accurately controls aspiration and delivery Disposable, in-line filter prevents contamination Holds 0.1 to 100ml pipets Fi...ssss
BOECO Haematology Pipettes Inquire
Pasteur Pipettes Inquire
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