Polymaleic acid
Post Date:
Nov 18,2010
Expiry Date:
May 17,2011
Detailed Description:
Cas No. :26099-09-2
Dear Sir, We've seen your company in website and we're interested in your product. We are pleased to contact you today and introduce our firm as one of the leading suppliers/importers for various kind of power plant oil/gas, pulp and paper equipment having served Thai Government Departments more than 30 years. We have achieved success in replying goods to these customers and formed very close connection with them up to present. Presently, we are seeking a reliable company for manufacturing or supply of Polymaleic Acid Homopolymer. If you are now having no commitment with other firm for this area and being interested to co-operate with us, please kindly let us have your favorable response via return telefax or e-mail at your earliest convenience. Please kindly send us as follows:- 1) Polymalei acid Homo Polymer quotation for 350,000 Kg 2) Catalog and Specification of this product 3) COA 4) MSDS We are looking forward to hearing from you indue course. Best Regards, Ms. Suchada Sales Manager Aichelin Limited : 662-4355917 Fax: 662-4336445
CAS Registry Number: