Offter to Buy

insect repellent

  • Post Date:

    Aug 09,2016
  • Expiry Date:

    Feb 05,2017
  • Detailed Description:

    We have a query to supply a lot of insect repellent.Can you send us quotations ?
    1. Principles possible assets:
    1.1 The. EBAAP = IR3535 (Merck brand)
    1.2 IDEET
    1.3 ICADERIN
    2. Packaging (100 to 200 ml)
    2.1 The. Spray
    2.2 Lotion
    2.3 Gel
    2.4 Aerosol
    3. BULK Packaging (capacity to your suggestion)
    4. Environmental Differentiation if any
    5. Registered at WHO or EMA
    6. planned Quantity:
    6.1 The. 1 supply four million liters
    6.2 Next, 8 million liters per quarter
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