Fat Loss and Bodybuilding Steroid Powder Drostanolone Enanthate
Post Date:
Feb 06,2018
Expiry Date:
Aug 05,2018
Detailed Description:
Fat Loss and Bodybuilding Steroid Powder Drostanolone Enanthate
Bodybuilding White Steroid Powders Drostanolone Enanthate
99% Purity Muscle Buidling Steroid Powder Masterone Drostanolone Enanthate
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Steroid Powders >> Masteron Powders >> Drostanolone Enanthate Powder
Drostanolone Enanthate Masteron Raw Steroids Powder
Drostanolone Enanthate a.k.a. Masteron Enanthate. The benefits of Masteron-Enanthate should be summed up in three words, lean and hard. As Masteron-Enanthate really only serves the purpose of leaning out and hardening up you will generally only see the steroid used in the competitive bodybuilding world and by those of a performance enhancing nature.
Data of Drostanolone Enanthate Powder
Drostanolone Enanthate Alias: Drostanolone; Drolban
Drostanolone Enanthate CAS ID: 303-42-4
Drostanolone Enanthate Purity: 99.30% by HPLC
Drostanolone Enanthate Melting point: 53~56.5°C
Drostanolone Enanthate Appearance: White crystalline powder.
Benefits of Masteron Enanthate:
The benefits of Masteron-Enanthate should be summed up in three words, lean and hard. For the performance enhancers and outside of a breast cancer patient largely it will only be performance enhancers of a bodybuilding nature who supplement with Masteron in the first place as it is an excellent physique transforming steroid but it is not a miracle in a bottle. Even though it has a rather mildly low androgenic rating the story it tells is rather different as it will harden one up quite decently. Further, as is by its nature Masteron-Enanthate effects overall metabolic activity by directly stimulating lipolysis; no, it is not the only steroid that presents such benefits nor is it the strongest one but these are largely the traits.
As stated, this is not a miracle steroid; a good steroid absolutely but it holds nowhere near the power of say Trenbolone that also greatly promotes hardness and lipolysis among many other traits. However, Masteron-Enanthate is far milder than Trenbolone but before you get too excited you need to understand an important fact. If you’re sitting there at 20% body-fat Masteron-Enanthate is not going to do a lot for you; to benefit from this steroid you need to be fairly lean to begin with as the effects won’t be all that noticeable unless you are. Yes, it may indeed help you lose a little fat if you are at a high percentage of body-fat but there are other things you can use and other things you can do that will be far more beneficial and far more worth your time and money. To truly benefit from the Masteron-Enanthate hormone we need to be below 8% and most will find below 6% to be even better. If we are this lean when we begin using the steroid the hardening affect brought on by both its androgenic nature and ability to have an anti-aromatase effect will be pretty close to amazing. Further, for the competitive bodybuilder looking to drop that last little bit of fat this hormone can be even more useful as Masteron may be the final ingredient missing to do just that.
Masteron Enanthate is Dosed at 200 mg/ml Oil Solution
Masteron Enanthate is dosed at 200mgs/ml, and comes in a 10ml multi use vial, with (of course) the enanthate ester instead of Masteron's traditional propionate ester. Though this particular compound acts just like the one with the propionate ester, in almost all respects.
The higher concentration (200mgs/ml) and longer ester (enanthate) allow us to do several interesting things with this compound.
One I've heard of is people running a gram per week of it, and that would only require two 2.5ml shots! Another thing I've seen is people using this with a long estered Tren and Test (along with an ancillary compound like Letro) and having a great cutting cycle that only requires a 1-2 day a week injection schedule.
Masteron-Enanthate Purpose:
As Masteron-Enanthate really only serves the purpose of leaning out and hardening up you will generally only see the steroid used in the competitive bodybuilding world and by those of a performance enhancing nature who do so only to look and feel better; the gym rat. You will not find a lot of Masteron being used in the performance athletic world; there’s not a lot of purpose for the football or basebal athletes or any other on the field athlete; sure, some of them may dabble with Masteron but most will choose other anabolics that serve their purpose. However, for the bodybuilder this anabolic steroid can be the difference between first and second place in a show; after all, while there are many factors to being a successful bodybuilder on stage hardness and ultimate leanness are two of the primary concerns. Ultimately this is one of the few anabolic androgenic steroids we can almost aptly label a pure bodybuilding steroid.
Hubei Yuancheng Saichuang technology Co.1td
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