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Fused Cast AZS 33

  • Post Date:

    Mar 01,2017
  • Expiry Date:

    Mar 31,2017
  • Detailed Description:

    Cas No. :33 Refractory plate AZS33 supplier for glass table furnace refractories fire brick

    Fused cast azs refractory is the most widely used materials both in glass contact and superstructure of glass melting furnaces. They can be classified by their zirconia content, which basically defines their corrosion resistance.

    NR-33 32% - 34% ZrO2: The reference category of fused-cast industry. Main applications include glass contact (paving tiles, working-end walls) and superstructures.

    NR36 36% ZrO2: With its improved corrosion resistance and combined with the "reinforced filling" process, the optimum choice for melter sidewalls application.

    NR41 41% ZrO2: with the highest corrosion resistance within the AZS family, this type of material is used for all demanding glass contact applications in the void free configuration : electrode blocks, submerged walls, throats, and in some cases melter sidewalls. Available as well, for sidewall application, in the specific "reinforced filling" version.
    Besides, the fused cast AZS bricks can be devied into different types according its casting techniques, PT [normal casting], QX [tilt casting ] , ZWS [reinforced casting ] and WS [void-free casting].

    WS while casting, the casting size is bigger than that is required. Most of the voids concentrate in the header which is subsequently cut off with a diamond saw, and then the block in required size is left, most used in side wall and flow.

    PT The brick made by normal casting has normal shrinkage void; it is often used in the upper structure of furnace and the interface parts which touch molten glass.

    ZWS while casting, the casting size is bigger than it is required. Most of the voids concentrate in the header which is subsequently cut off with a diamond saw, and then the block in required size is left, most used in side wall.

    QX by tilt casting, shrinkage voids focus on one side, while the other side is dense. This kind of bricks are usual sabity is located towards the bottom, and of the block that used for sidewalls.

    AZS 33#:
    Sidewalls, breast walls, ports, pavers, etc. In glass furnace
    AZS 36#:
    Position in contact with molten glass, such as doghouse, sidewalls and pavers of melters.
    AZS 41#:
    Throats, doghouse, comers, sidewalls, electrodes, bubbler blocks, etc.
  • CAS Registry Number:

  • Company:

    Henan Sialon Technology Co., Ltd     [ China ]        
  • Contact:

    Gao Yun
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