English Name: Horse Chestnut Extract
Horse Chestnut P.E.
Latin Name: Aesculus chinesis Bge
Part used: seed
Appearance: brown powder
Specification: Aescin 20%,Aescigenin 97% by UV
Test method: UV
Molecular Formula: C54H84O23
Molecular Weight: 1101.24
CAS Number: 6805-41-0
In dietary supplements, extracts of the seeds of the chestnut are also known as Aesculus hippocastanum, Escin or Aescin and sometimes by its German name, Rosskastanie. Horse chestnut seeds have been used traditionally to treat both hemorrhoids and varicose veins. It seems that horse chestnut extracts may strengthen the veins to prevent leakage of fluid out of the vessels and into the tissue space which would lead to swelling.
1)It has demonstrated a variety of beneficial effects including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiedema, venotonic
2)Published studies show alleviation of subjective symptoms of venous insufficiency such as pain, tiredness, tension or heaviness in the legs.