1. Name and Composition: Hydroxyethyl Cellulose(HEC) |  |  | In the formula,n stands for agglutination degree | 2. Product Specifications: | Model\ Specific-ations | Appear-ance | Gram mole substi-tution (m.s) | Mois-ture (%) | Insolu-bility (%) | Transmit-tance (2%) | NDJ-1 rotary viscosity meter, mpa.s 2% solution,20°C | Viscosity | Spindle No | rpm | TF-50 | White powder | 1.8-2.0 | <6 | <0.5 | ≥80 | <100 | 1 | 30 | TF-6000 | White powder | 1.8-2.0 | <6 | <0.5 | ≥80 | 4000-7000 | 3 | 12 | TF-10000 | White powder | 1.8-2.0 | <6 | <0.5 | ≥80 | 8000-12000 | 3 | 6 | TF-15000 | White powder | 1.8-2.0 | <6 | <0.5 | ≥80 | 13000-17000 | 3 | 6 | TF-20000 | White powder | 1.8-2.0 | <6 | <0.5 | ≥80 | 18000-22000 | 4 | 12 | TF-30000 | White powder | 1.8-2.0 | <6 | <0.5 | ≥80 | 26000-34000 | 4 | 12 | TF-40000 | White powder | 1.8-2.0 | <6 | <0.5 | ≥80 | 36000-44000 | 4 | 12 | *TF-80000 | White powder | 1.8-2.0 | <6 | <0.5 | ≥80 | 3500-4500 | 3 | 12 | *TF-100000 | White powder | 1.8-2.0 | <6 | <0.5 | ≥80 | 5000-6000 | 3 | 12 |
| Note: (1)2% solution is calculated with dried HEC.(2)Fast soluble model is followed with S,e.g.TF-1000s denotes TF-1000model.(3)For TF-80000 and up,viscosity is of 1% solution. | 3.Important Property : | HEC is a kind of non-ion aqueous agglomerate,white or yellowish fluid powder,no odor no taste,soluble in both hot and cool water,dissolving faster with temperature rising,usually insoluble in most organic solvents,with good PH stability,its viscosity varies little within PH2-12.HEC offers strong water affinity and water-holding,its water solution has surfactant ability, and its thick product owns high plasticity.It can be made into colorless, transparent, aqueous film with medium strength which is hard to pollute,is not to be effected by light. HEC after surface treatment disperses in water, does not conglomerate,but dissolving slowly; fast dissolving may be got by adjusting PH to 8-10. |
4. Usage : | HEC is used in industry as agents of dispersing,water-holding, thickening, suspending, film-forming, stabilizing etc.For example,in emulsion coating,it plays a role of dispersing and protecting gels,enhancing reaction stability of agglomerate system,ensuring homogeneous distribution of pigment and stuffing, and providing effect of thickening, improving fluidity.In petroleum exploitation,it is used as stabilizer and thickening agent, lubricating agent for well drilling,completing and consolidating to give slurry a good fluidity and stability.In building construction,used as thickening agent and cohesive agent to improve the fluidity and workability,increase initial gelling strength and avoid cracking. Used in brushing and cohering plaster,it may obviously raise water-holding and coherence strength.Used in daily-use articles such as toothpaste it gives the article a good physical and chemical property,making it good in shape,long period of storage, hard be dry and permeated.In skin and hair protective articles,it can increase material density, adding lubrication and smoothness.Besides,it finds wide application in ink, textile dyeing & printing,paper making, pharmaceuticals, food, agriculture,forestry etc. | 5. Method of Use: | Method(Ⅰ),Directly Put In: 1. Pour pure water into bucket provided with stirrer. 2. At beginning slowly stir,evenly scatter HEC into solution. 3. Stir until all the HEC granules fully wetted. 4. First put in anti-mildew agent,then add in additives such as pigment,disperser etc. 5. Carry on stirring until all the HEC and additives entirely dissolved(viscosity in the solution obviously increasing),then put in other ingredients to react.
Method(Ⅱ)Prepare Mother Liquor for Use: First prepare thick mother liquor,then put it in product.The advantage of the method is flexibility,the liquor may be directly be put in product.The procedure and way to use is same as 1-4 in the method(Ⅰ),be sure stir until fully dissolved into sticky and thick solution and put anti-mildew agent into mother liquor as early as possible. Method(Ⅲ)Prepare Gruel-like Material for Use: Since organic solvents are non-solvents for HEC,they can be used to prepare gruel-like material.The most used are ethylene glycol,propylene glycol and film-forming agent (hexamethylene-glycol, diethyl glycol butyl acetate etc.)So is icy water,it also can be prepared together with organic solvents into gruel-like material. Gruel-like material can be put in product because HEC in gruel-like material has been fully soaked and swollen up,put in product it dissolves immediately and promotes thickening, but do keep stirring until it entirely dissolves. Usually the gruel-like material is obtained by mixing organic solvent or icy water with HEC in a proportion of 6:1,after 5-30 minutes HEC hydrolyzes and notably swells.The method is not adopted in summer owing to hot weather. | 6.Attention Matters for Preparing HEC: | (1)Before and after putting in HEC,do keep stirring until the solution becomes clarified and transparent. (2)Put material slowly and evenly in bucket,do not put large quantity or lumped HEC directly in bucket. (3)Water temperature and PH have much to do with dissolving as shown in figure. (4)Alkaline material is prohibited to put in compound before HEC is fully wetted,only after fully wetted can it raise PH and promote dissolving. (5)Put in anti-mildew agent as early as possible. (6)When high viscosity HEC is used,the mother liquor density is not allowed to be over 2.5-3%,otherwise mother liquor will be hard controlled. | 7.Packing,Storage and Shipment: | 25kg net weight packed in paper-plastic compound bag or plastic-coated bag lined with plastic bag.Prevent sunshine,keep away from fire and wet. |