Control of many fungal diseases (e. G. Blight, leaf spot, rust, downy mildew, scab, etc. ) in field crops, fruit, nuts, vegetables, ornamentals, etc. Particular uses include control of early and late blights of potatoes and tomatoes; Rhizoctonia solani and Streptomyces scabies on seed potatoes; Leaf spot diseases on celery, cucurbits, beet, berries and currants; Rusts on cereals, vegetables, roses, carnations, asparagus, beans, apples and plums; Downy mildews on hops, vines, onions, leeks, lettuce, cucurbits, ornamentals and tobacco; Gloeodes pomigena, Glomerella cingulata, Microthyriella rubi and Physalospora obtusa on apples; Scab on apples and pears; Sigatoka disease (Cercospora musae) in bananas; Shot-hole of stone fruit; Anthracnose of beans and cucurbits; Damping-off diseases of vegetables; Black leg of beet; Needle cast in forestry; And many seed-borne diseases of cereals. Used for foliar application or as a seed treatment.
Control of Ascomycetes, Fungi Imperfecti, and Basidiomycetes on a wide variety of crops. For example, used as a foliar treatment for control of scab and powdery mildew in apples and pears; Powdery mildew, shot-hole, blossom blight, and rust in stone fruit; Powdery mildew in vines and cucurbits; Powdery mildew and rusts on ornamentals; Rusts on perennial grasses grown for seed; And various diseases of wheat; As a seed treatment for control of seed- and soil-borne diseases in barley, maize, cotton, rice and wheat; And as a post-harvest drench or dip.